Mailing Address: 68152 PR 212 Cooks Creek, Manitoba R5M 0E2
Tel: 204-444-2248
Church Basement: 204-444-6044
Civic Emergency Address: 68152 - PR 212 Rd 30 E
Red River Co-op Number: 238086
Administration Board (PFC): Chair: Greg Ward: 204-444-2782
Vice Chair: Adrienne Hutlet: 204-479-9709
Treasurer & Secretary: Renee Heuring: 204-914-1586
Email: adminboard[at]
Bookkeeper: Nathan Wazney 204-998-5498
email = bookkeeper[at]
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC): Frank Simard: 204-755-2349
Building Committee: Guy Delaurier: 204-755-2049
email = building[at]
Liturgical Committee: Sonia Sanclemente
email = liturgy[at]
Altar Servers: Vacant
email = catechism[at]
Catechism Coordinator: Adrienne Hutlet: 204-479-9709
email = catechism[at]
Cemetery: Chairperson and Plots:
Dave Verrier: 204-444-5446
email = cemetery[at]
Funeral Coordinator:
Dorene Rosmus: 204-444-3193
email = funerals[at]
Funeral Luncheons:
Carmen Dudek: 204-268-1173 Fern Kotello: 204-444-3719
Church Basement Hall Rentals: Lorraine Dobell: 204-444-4014
email = hallbookings[at]
St. Michael’s Church Caretaker: Email = caretaker[at]
Catholics Women’s League: Carmen Dudek: 204-268-1173
Visitation of the Sick or Shut-In: Lorraine Dobell: 204-444-4014
Choir: Ken Sitarz: 204-444-2576
Bulletin Contacts
Dorene Rosmus: 204-444-3193 ... or ... Liz Hogue: 204-801-0829
Email: bulletin[at]
Deadline: Wednesday @ 6 PM
Meet the St. Michael's Team by clicking here:
Pastoral Life
Sacrament of Baptism
For more information or to schedule your child’s baptism please contact the parish office at 204-444-2248 or
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Beginning 30 minutes before every Mass, weekdays and weekends. (No confessions after Mass)
Sacrament of Anointing
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is for ‘healing’ not for ‘dying’; those who are sick, facing surgery or hospital care, and the elderly, are encouraged to receive this Sacrament.
Sacrament of Marriage
We must be notified 6 months in advance to allow for marriage preparation classes. Please contact the parish office.
That GOD may be glorified in all things
Father Sylvanus Omali Tel: 204-444-2248 or 204-268-9020 or 780-402-5725
email = pastor[at]
All Parish Contact List: Click Here